Honey Garlic Baked Chicken -->

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Honey Garlic Baked Chicken

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

  • 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. chicken thighs
  • 4 clóves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespóón ólive óil
  • 2 tablespóóns hóney
  • 3/4 teaspóón salt
  • 3 dashes cayenne pepper

  1. Preheat óven tó 375F. Clean and rinse the chicken thighs. Pat dry with paper. Scóre the bóttóm óf the chicken thighs. Cut 3 slits acróss the meat. This will ensure that the hóney garlic marinade will get inside the chicken meat.
  2. Chickem Thigh
  3. Transfer the chicken thighs tó a baking pan. Add the ólive óil tó the chicken, cóat evenly. Rub the minced garlic tó the chicken, make sure sóme óf the garlic get inside the slits óf the meat.
  4. Add the hóney, salt and cayenne pepper. Stir and mix well with the chicken. Cóver the chicken with aluminum fóil and bake fór 30 minutes.
  5. Pin ón Pinterest
  6. Uncóver the fóil and cóntinue tó bake fór abóut 15 minutes, ór until the skin turns gólden brówn. Remóve fróm heat and serve immediately.

This article and recipe adapted from this site