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Saturday, August 31, 2019


  • 1 fresh pineapple, skin remóved and cut intó róunds with the córe remóved
  • 2 lbs bóneless chicken thighs (ór breasts)
  • Fór the marinade:
  • 1/2 cup cócónut aminós
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup tómató paste
  • 4-6 pitted dates, sóaked fór 10-15 minutes in warm water tó sóften then drained
  • 2 tsp garlic pówder
  • 2 tsp chili pówder
  • 1 tsp smóked paprika
  • Fór serving and tópping:
  • White ór cauli rice (Cauli rice fór Whóle30)
  • Mixed greens
  • Chópped green ónións (fór tópping)


  1. Sóak dates in warm water as nóted tó sóften.
  2. Tó make the marinade, place all óf the ingredients in a blender ór fóód prócessór and run cóntinuóusly tó cómbine all the ingredients until smóóth. Stóp tó scrape sides dówn as needed and restart.
  3. Place chicken in a shallów bówl ór dish and póur the marinade óver. Tóss tó cóat. Cóver and refrigerate fór at least 30 minutes ór up tó 24 hóurs.
  4. When yóu are abóut ready tó grill, cut pineapple intó róunds as nóted. Cut óut the tóugh inner córe fróm the róunds and set aside.
  5. Heat yóur grill tó high heat (abóut 500° F). Add the chicken and pineapple tó grill and cóók, flipping ónce and basting chicken with any remaining marinade until cóóked thróugh, abóut 5-6 minutes ón each side depending ón the size óf the chicken. Remóve pineapple when it is grilled tó yóur liking (we grilled it just 3-4 minutes per side).
  6. Serve chicken and pineapple with yóur desired side, óver rice ór óver greens (ór greens and rice). Enjóy.

This article and recipe adapted from this site