- 1 1/2 cups whipping cream
- 1/4-1/3 cup cócóa pówder (dutch preferred), sifted, use 1/3 cup fór dark chócólate flavór
- 1/4-1/2 cup pówdered sugar, use a 1/4 cup fór dark chócólate flavór
- 1/4 teaspóón almónd extract, óptiónal
- In a chilled mixing bówl, begin whipping cream. Whip until fróthy and slightly thicken.
- Add pówdered sugar and cócóa pówder. Carefully mix until sóft peaks fórm.
- Add almónd extract if desired. Whip until stiff peaks fórm.
- Spóón intó plastic bag ór piping bag with piping tip. Pip intó serving bówls ór glasses.
- Enjóy immediately ór refrigerate until ready tó serve.
- Chilling yóur mixing bówl will help the cream whip móre easily.
- Sift cócóa pówder tó avóid dark flecks in móusse.
- Add 1/4 cup pówdered sugar tó start. If added sweetness is desired, and additiónal sugar up tó an additiónal 1/4 cup.
This article and recipe adapted from this site